In this writing I will not take a position pro or con on the
subjects of ‘gay rights or same sex marriages’.
What I will do is to point out the hypocrisy on both sides of the
First the Christians:
It is common and usually loud, to have a Christian speak against ‘same sex
marriage’ legislation, always stating “The Bile speaks against this sort of
behavior”, which of course is true – however the same people will say “Jesus
did away with the laws” as they refer to an editor’s note in the New Testament,
not an actual citation of Scripture. You
can’t have it both ways – either the Laws of God (all of them) apply or they
(all of them) don’t!
The reality is, the cited Scripture from the Torah (Leviticus
19:20) is only one of God’s
Laws. There are 612 other Laws that we
must pay attention to as well. You shall not murder, you shall not steal, you
shall not covet, you shall not commit adultery, you shall observe the Sabbath,
you shall have only one God, you shall honor your father and mother, you shall
not eat certain foods or wear certain clothing, you shall celebrate the
festivals of God and the list goes on and on. While I admit there are some laws that are
not applicable today because they relate to the Temple in Jerusalem and the
Priesthood (neither of which exist today), the rest still are valid.
So in your zeal to attack another group of people that you
don’t agree with, why not take a look at your own life and the laws of God you
choose not to obey. Remember that in the
New Testament Matthew 7:4 it says “ or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ and behold, the log is in your own eye”. In other
words, don’t judge someone else when your life isn't so perfect. Spend more time getting your life back on
track before you take on the responsibility of telling others how to live. Your attitude towards others and your lifestyle
will be the best witness you ever have.
Now the
Gay Community: You must
understand that Christians, Jews and Muslims have strict rules against Gay lifestyles. That is their right, not only given by the
Constitution of the United States, but based on the ‘Freedom of Choice’ given
to them and you by the God of the universe.
The hateful and destructive speech and name calling will never resolve a
thing. If it is your intention to drive
wedges between your community and the rest of society, you are doing a good
job. However, if you are trying to
educate those who oppose you, legislative or culturally, you are directing your
zeal in the wrong way. Be patient and be
respectful; If attitudes are going to change it will take time. They may never change, but then again they
might, so why not take a positive attitude.
You don’t get to pick and choose either.
If you expect people to respect your position, you must respect their
position. We live in a wonderful country
where opposing views use to be tolerated….we need to return to that way of
living. . Your attitude towards others and your lifestyle will be the best
witness you ever have.
I have always been happy that God didn't invite me into His ministry of judgment….you
should be thankful too.
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