To be truthful, I don’t know who to vote for in the upcoming
election! Actually the truth of the matter
is - it is doubtful that I will vote for any of the 4 people trying to achieve
the office of President of the United States.
I believe so strongly in the precious right, and privilege of the vote,
which we are given by our Constitution, and am feeling quite guilty that I might
waste the privilege by not exercising it.
I listen to the rhetoric back and forth – not just from the
candidates, but from all the Facebook and other social ‘would be and fractional
media’ posts, the misrepresentations and lies of the ‘talk show gurus’ and the
very bad reporting of the so called ‘professional newscasters’ and I think “who
in the world would want to be President?
Certainly no sane person!
President Harry Truman was a foul mouthed son-of-a-gun. He had no concerns about his swearing and
rough talk; but then he had a short lived presidency which had major impacts on
the future of the world. What was his
strength? Well it might be summed up in
the following quote:
“It is amazing what you can
accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.” ― Harry Truman
Mr. Truman was concerned for the country and the lives of
the people who called themselves Americans. (by the way, they were people of
all backgrounds and all racial colors and were fighting in a very widespread war) But what is Mr. Truman most noted
for? The atomic bombs that were dropped
on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Why? Because that’s what the news media wanted you
to know about!
What was Mr. Eisenhower known for? Playing golf for 8 years; Mr. Nixon? Leaving the Office of the Presidency in
shame; Mr. Kennedy? His assassination. Mr. Ford?
Stumbling and falling down; Mr. Carter?
Iran hostages. And so it goes, on
and on to the current President Mr. Obama.
(let’s not forget that Mr. Bush the second, who caused New York City to be
attacked by terrorists and caused Hurricane Katrina)
Has no President done any good in America? If they had, I can’t imagine it ever being
reported in a good light.
What about our current candidates: Mrs. Clinton seems to be known for her
emails, Bengasi and the lack of trustworthiness. Mr. Trump for his blurting out of senseless
verbal lines of attack and now his treatment of women in the past. (don’t
forget his taxes) Mr. Johnson, well that’s
easy, his smoking pot. Ms. Stein, well,
I’m not sure what she is known for but it can’t be anything good.
So there you have it.
According to one-side-or-another of the media, nobody has done anything
I can’t believe that either of the two major candidates are
truly all bad. I can’t believe that they
have never done anything good in their lives.
But if we take our information from the media at large (that includes
Facebook and other unfettered social media), we will never know the complete and true makeup of the candidates.
One other group of folks I’d like to chastise; the
Moderators for the debates! Are you kidding me? Do you really think I believe that you are a
(Moderator…. Mod-er-a-tor: an arbitrator or mediator. 2. One who moderates) Wait a minute! (Moderate…. Mod-er-ate: one who holds moderate views, especially in
politics). To use a political expression
– BS. (Truman would not have abbreviated)
Attention Moderators and Candidates! We are not interested in your personal views
on each other and we are not interested in how much dirt you dredge up on each
other. What we are interested in is your
plans to put this Country (The United States of America, not your personal
lives, in case you were not listening)
back on a path to peace and prosperity. If
you can’t give us what we want, the GET THE HELL OUT OF THE RACE, so we can
find someone that will work on our behalf.
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