OK, I get it! Those
of you who voted for Mrs. Clinton are upset, so you think the only way to
express your disappointment is to protest, destroy property, extend the middle
finger to buildings with the Trump name on them and call all Trump supporters
racists, homophones, xenophobes and every filthy name you can find.
OK, I get it! Those
of you who voted for Mr. Trump are upset at those on the other side, so you
think the only way to express your feelings is to act arrogant, look down your
noses at liberals, produce memes and writings that are designed (but don't) to initiate
humor, use filthy language to describe people of different persuasions and
forward stories on Facebook, that have ‘shocking headlines’ that have
absolutely nothing to do with the article which they are attached or
out-and-out lies!
Oh, I agree you both have a first amendment right to say or
write anything you choose, and I support that right; but do you think you are
doing anything positive? “oh yes, we are bringing attention to the
problem” is the common response – which is nothing more than a mantra that
says ‘if they don’t agree with me they’re wrong’, at which point you both begin
calling the other side names.
Prior to the election, the Conservative side complained
about the Electoral College, and ‘how fixed’ it was, and the Liberal side it
was fine with it, because Mr. Trump might get the ‘popular’ vote but Mrs. Clinton would
receive most the Electoral vote. (because that’s what the news media said)
Wait a minute! So
soon we forget?
In all honesty, I don’t know if the Electoral College is the
correct way to choose a President. It
is, however, what has been in place for a very long time; and I can’t remember
any riots in the past, when the popular vote result was different than the
Electoral vote result. I don’t have any
suggestion for a replacement – but it isn’t the popular vote! (it seems odd to
call it a popular vote, when those who voted were split by a small percentage
and only a little over 57 percent of eligible voters voted).
Frankly, I find those statistics shameful! There are Countries who would give their
lives to get a chance to vote; and those that have, see a much larger turnout –
even when their lives are threatened.
Let’s change it! OK, let’s change the way we choose a President:
The United States Electoral College is
established by Article Two of the United States Constitution to select the
President of the United States and Vice President.
So, it’s in our Constitution; the only way to change it is
via an Amendment.
The Constitution
provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a
two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or
by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State
It seems to me that the current election cycle has shifted
power in the Congress in such a way that getting 2/3 majority to begin the
change, probably isn’t practical.
How about a Constitutional Convention? Well we have 50 States, which means at least
34 States must call for the Convention. But that’s not all! Should the Convention decide to propose an
Amendment, ¾ of the States (38) are needed to approve the proposed Amendment
and make it law.
You tell me; is it quicker to protest, burn, call names and
hate each other until the law is changed, or to look across the divide and
realize that there may be a majority (if you combine forces) to at least begin dialogue
on the matter.
Webster says a bigot is:
a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas, etc.
Kind of puts a different slant on things, doesn’t it?