Monday, July 7, 2014

You Can’t Have it Both Ways!

The Middle East is on the brink of major war and the majority of the world is blaming Israel; if not blaming, insisting that Israel use ‘enormous restraint’.

Recently three Israeli youth were kidnapped and murdered, in the West Bank.  Whether they should have been in the West Bank is not the issue – the issue is a senseless act of cowardice by men who were so convinced of their righteous position that the ‘covered their faces so they wouldn’t be recognized’?  In retaliation, six spineless Israeli men jumped and captured one Palestinian youth and burned him to death.
In the news last night I heard a reporter refer to the death of the Israeli youth as murder, yet when referring to the Palestinian youth, just as ‘retaliation’.  And, the world indignation is against the Israelis who burned the Palestinian youth to death.

Here’s the real story:  Both incidents were MURDER and the perpetrators deserve to be put to death for the MURDER of children; and the world needs to support that position, not just beat up on Israel. (In Israelcapital punishment is allowed only during wartime and only for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, treason, and crimes against the Jewish People). 

But, instead the world wishes to forget that the day after Israel became a County, 7 Arab Nations attacked her with the stated purpose “to wipe Israel from the face of the earth”.  They also choose to forget that over and over, since then, Israel has been repeatedly attacked by Arab States.  They forget that the leader of the PLO, before his death, insisted that Israel be eliminated.  They forget that the leader of Iran has vowed to destroy Israel.  They forget that Hamas and Hezbollah continue to fire rockets into Israel and that children must hide in basements and safe rooms and sometimes only have fifteen seconds to get to shelter. 

It amazes me that the world, including the United States, takes such a stand against Israel, when if the same thing was happening to another country, they would be outraged and would certainly retaliate in kind or in escalation!

So….what is going to happen now?  The Arab states will continue to attack Israel (verbally and with munitions) and the world will continue to call for restraint on Israel’s part but ignore the acts of others.  Today, more rockets will be fired from Gaza but this time, Israel will respond in escalation; and the world will continue to denounce Israel.

Genesis 12:2-4New American Standard Bible (NASB)
And I will make you a great nation,
And I will bless you,
And make your name great;
And so you shall be a blessing;
And I will bless those who bless you,
And the one who curses you I will curse.
And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”

If you believe in God, you certainly believe in His Word (I hope).  So what is going to happen when He makes good on this promise?  The world, once again, will blame Israel.  (or maybe they’ll blame George Bush)

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